Hi Delice! Could you start by telling us a bit more about your role?

As a Young Futures therapist I provide a safe space through 1-1 and Group Therapy sessions for young people in our service. This is with a slightly different approach to therapy than previous experiences young people might have had, using creative ways of working with each other, using props, games, anything that takes away the pressure that talking therapy can bring. With those creative ways it allows a different perspective of looking at topics that someone might be working through, or things that have been on someone’s mind. In Young Futures' Community placements therapists offer sessions in young people’s home environments, to help take away the stress of having to travel to appointments.

I also facilitate reflective spaces for both teams, in our residential and community settings. Here I support staff to think therapeutically in their work with young people, thinking about different approaches and ways of working, especially when it comes to building relationships.

How does your day start?

I wake up and have a hot lemon water, I have a peaceful moment to drink that. I then do a skincare routine while listening to a podcast; my podcasts vary,- I’m listening to the Diary of a CEO at the moment. I either have breakfast at home or make breakfast to go.

What is a typical day like for you?

I’ll give you an example of my Thursdays. First thing, I will be thinking ahead the evening group therapy session I’m going to facilitate at our residential unit. I often need to pick up some supplies for this, so I’ll head out and do that first. Then I usually have 1-1 therapy sessions in the community, I travel by public transport to see different young people and have their sessions. Before I go to our residential unit to run the weekly therapy group, I make sure that I take some time to process my busy morning, to ground myself from my morning sessions, so that I arrive at the residential unit with a fresh mindset to get stuck in with the group therapy session.

What is one of the most challenging things about your job?

I would probably say the commute between each appointment, it can be a bit stressful as you can never predict what is going to happen on the roads or public transport! I never want to be late! I wouldn’t change the fact that I have to commute though, as I value giving the young person the comfort of having their session in their safe space.

What is one of the best things?

Thinking of new and creative ways to engage with young people, I get to explore my own creative side!

How does your day end?

I commute back home, cook some dinner whilst listening to music, sometimes I’ll pop by the gym or a yoga class on my way home, before having a relaxing evening.